Course IntroductionCongratulations on an outstanding purchase, and welcome to our new Disability Advocate Business and Training program. By purchasing this program, you’ve gained access to the most comprehensive advocate training program available. This version of our training program is structured around our powerful Olivia Prime case management software. The Olivia CMS is designed to address several case processing bottlenecks that are inevitable when working with a government entity like SSA. Without Olivia Prime, these processes could reduce the efficiency of your new advocacy service. (Module One) of this course will introduce you to the fundamentals of Social Security disability case processing. You’ll learn the detailed procedures used by Social Security to determine if an applicant meets the definition of total disability as defined by law. Upon completing this training module, you’ll understand the basic procedures required to represent a disability claim successfully. Begin Module One by reading the materials below. Suggestions for New Students Disability advocacy is different from most other services. The Social Security Administration created this opportunity, and they make the rules. Our program will enable you to follow SSA rules and enjoy a profitable and fulfilling service. While some of the concepts within our course are challenging, you will master them surprisingly quickly. Don’t try to memorize the materials. We repeat important concepts in multiple lessons to ensure your understanding of the process. Even if you’re an experienced advocate who desires additional training, it’s still a good idea to follow the cause schedule. Who knows, you might discover that our unique operational procedures can significantly improve your existing advocacy service. Now, let’s get started!
If you have any problems with our course, please contact us at We will always attempt to address your issue within 24 hours.
If you have purchased our mentor support service, you can contact your mentor directly during your one-year membership period. After completion of Module 5, you should contact your mentor to schedule your first in a series of mentor-student support meetings. These scheduled meetings will reinforce your understanding of the disability process and help expedite the launching of your service.
This intro section contains links to several different reference materials that will be referred to within your training. Click Course Materials to access these materials as you progress through the course.
Upon completion of the first five training modules, you will receive a customized Certificate of Course Completion. Please click lesson one below to begin your training.